Ciprofloxacin is a broad spectrum, fluoroquinolone antibiotic for fish that is effective against gram-negative and some gram-positive bacterial infections like fin rot, black patch necrosis syndrome, and other infections
Directions For Use
Dosage & Administration: Dissolve one tablet (500 mg) per gallon of water in a small amount of water prior to adding to a hospital tank. Immerse for one hour. Repeat every day for 5-7 days with daily water changes after each treatment. Ciprofloxacin chelates divalent cations water hardness (increase dose for marine fish) and high divalent cations in diet. Its activity decreases with high pH (>6.9). It can be bacteriostatic or bactericidal depending on the effective concentration at the target site.
- Avoid use in young animals because of the risk of cartilage injury. Dogs are most sensitive at 4-28 weeks of age. Large, rapidly growing dogs are the susceptible.
- Use with caution in animals that may be prone to seizures, such as those with epilepsy.
Keep out of reach of children. Fish Antibiotics are for aquarium use only. Intended for ornamental fish and/or ornamental organisms, and not intended for use with fish that are intended for human consumption.
FDA inspected.